Alumni Bookshelf

Emilie Boone (PhD '16)  A Nimble Arc: James Van Der Zee and Photography  2023
David S. Areford (PhD '01)  Strict Beauty: Sol LeWitt Prints  2020
Edited by Nina Rowe (PhD '02), Andrew Albin, Mary C. Erler, Thomas O'Donnell, Nicholas L. Paul  Whose Middle Ages? Teachable Moments for an Ill-Used Past  2019
Edited by Jeffery W. Howe (PhD '79)  William Trost Richards: Hieroglyphs of Landscape  2019
Sherry Lindquist (PhD '95) and Asa Simon Mittman  Medieval Monsters: Terrors, Aliens, Wonders  2018
Edited by Cristina Cuevas-Wolf (PhD '97) and Isotta Poggi   Promote, Tolerate, Ban: Art and Culture in Cold War Hungary  2018
Alison Fisher (PhD '14)  Georg Jensen: Scandinavian Design for Living  2018
Edited by Elizabeth G. Seaton (PhD '00), Jane Myers, and Gail Windisch  Art for Every Home Associated American Artists, 1934–2000  2017
Jeffrey Rosen (PhD '88)  Julia Margaret Cameron’s ‘fancy subjects’  2017
Areford, David S. (PhD '01)  La nave e lo scheletro: Le stampe di Jacopo Rubieri alla Biblioteca Classense di Ravenna  2017
Howe, Jeffery (PhD '79)  John La Farge and the Recovery of The Sacred  2015
Murphy, Kevin D. (PhD '92)  The Tudor Home  2015
Katz, Jonathan David (PhD '96)  Art AIDS America  2015
Vinegar, Aron S. (PhD '01)  Heidegger and the Work of Art History  2014
Cuneo, Pia F. (PhD '91)  Animals and Early Modern Identity  2014
Murphy, Kevin D. (PhD '92)  Studies in Ephemera: Text and Image in Eighteenth-Century Print  2013
Kushner, Marilyn S. (PhD '91)  The Armory Show at 100: Modernism and Revolution  2013
Mancoff, Debra N. (PhD '82)  Danger! Women Artists at Work  2012
Lindquist, Sherry C. M. (PhD '95)  Meanings of Nudity in Medieval Art  2012
Tedeschi, Martha (PhD '94)  John Marin’s Watercolors: A Medium for Modernism  2011
Getsy, David (PhD '02)  Rodin: Sex and the Making of Modern Sculpture  2011
Fisher, Alison (PhD '14)  Bertrand Goldberg: Architecture of Invention  2011
Kushner, Marilyn S. (PhD '91)  Donald Saff: Art in Collaboration  2010
Katz, Jonathan David (PhD '96)  Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture  2010
Irish, Sharon (PhD '85)  Suzanne Lacy: Spaces Between  2010
Gedo, Mary Mathews (PhD '72)  Monet and His Muse: Camille Monet in the Artist's Life  2010
Mancoff, Debra N. (PhD '82)  Icons of Beauty: Art, Culture, and the Image of Women  2009
Vinegar, Aron S. (PhD '01)  I AM A MONUMENT: On Learning from Las Vegas  2008
Tedeschi, Martha (PhD '94)  Watercolors by Winslow Homer: The Color of Light  2008
Murphy, Kevin D. (PhD '92)  The Houses of Greenwich Village  2008
Lindquist, Sherry C. M. (PhD '95)  Agency, Visuality and Society at the Chartreuse de Champmol  2008
Golec, Michael J. (PhD '03)  Relearning from Las Vegas  2008
Golec, Michael J. (PhD '03)  Brillo Box Archive: Aesthetics, Design, and Art  2008
Alberro, Alexander (PhD '96)  Art After Conceptual Art  2006
Murphy, Kevin D. (PhD '92)  The American Townhouse  2005
McCloskey, Barbara (PhD '92)  Artists of World War II  2005
Brooks, H. Allen, Jr. (PhD '57)  The Prairie School  2005
Alberro, Alexander (PhD '96)  Museum Highlights: The Writings of Andrea Fraser  2005
Areford, David S. (PhD '01) and Rowe, Nina (PhD '02)  Excavating the Medieval Image: Manuscripts, Artists, Audiences – Essays in Honor of S…  2004
Getsy, David (PhD '02)  Body Doubles: Sculpture in Britain, 1877-1905  2004
Mancoff, Debra N. (PhD '82)  Flora Symbolica: Flowers in Pre-Raphaelite Art  2003
Alberro, Alexander (PhD '96)  Conceptual Art and the Politics of Publicity  2003
Chappell, Sally Anderson (PhD '68)  Cahokia: Mirror of the Cosmos  2002
Mancoff, Debra N. (PhD '82)  Monet’s Garden in Art  2001
Murphy, Kevin D. (PhD '92)  Memory and Modernity: Viollet-le-Duc at Vézelay  2000
Irish, Sharon (PhD '85)  Cass Gilbert, Architect: Modern Traditionalist  1999
Alberro, Alexander (PhD '96)  Conceptual Art: A Critical Anthology  1999
Tedeschi, Martha (PhD '94)  The Lithographs of James McNeill Whistler  1998
Patton, Sharon F. (PhD '80)  African-American Art  1998
Mancoff, Debra N. (PhD '82)  Mary Cassatt: Reflections of Women’s Lives  1998
Alberro, Alexander (PhD '96)  Lawrence Weiner  1998
Brooks, H. Allen, Jr. (PhD '57)  Le Corbusier's Formative Years: Charles-Edouard Jeanneret at La Chaux-de-Fonds  1997
Helmreich, Anne (PhD '94)  The Victorians: British painting, 1837-1901  1996
Gedo, Mary Mathews (PhD '72)  Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Art, V. 3  1987
Brooks, H. Allen, Jr. (PhD '57)  Le Corbusier  1987
Brooks, H. Allen, Jr. (PhD '57)  Frank Lloyd Wright and the Prairie School  1984
Brooks, H. Allen, Jr. (PhD '57)  Writings on Wright: Selected Comment on Frank Lloyd Wright  1983
Gedo, Mary Mathews (PhD '72)  Picasso, art as autobiography  1982
Chappell, Sally Anderson (PhD '68)  Barry Byrne, John Lloyd Wright: Architecture & Design  1982