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The Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) is the key liaison between students and the rest of the faculty, college, and university.

The DUS is responsible for approving and signing:

All Northwestern undergraduates who are interested in the major, the minor, or who want to talk about art history at the undergraduate level at Northwestern are also encouraged to meet with the DUS.

When you meet with the DUS to discuss any of the above procedures or forms, please bring all the necessary paperwork with you. If you have any questions about what you will need to bring, please consult the relevant webpage or email the DUS.

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Professor Jesús Escobar
1880 Campus Drive, Kresge Hall 4321

Other faculty on the Committee on Undergraduate Affairs

Professor Antawan Byrd (Advisor to Northwestern Art Review)
1880 Campus Drive, Kresge 4325 

Professor Thadeus Dowad
1880 Campus Drive, Kresge 4331 

Advising within the Major and Minor

All minors are advised by the DUS and are expected to meet with them once a year to approve their course of study.

All majors are also assigned a faculty advisor when they declare the major. All majors are required to meet with this advisor at the beginning of the academic year and are encouraged to do so again quarterly before each period of registration. At these meetings, all majors are required to bring an up-to-date copy of the "major field worksheet" so that the advisor can best assess their progress to degree. The faculty advisor is available to confer with the advisee about all matters art historical and/or related to careers in or advanced study related to the art historical professions. Questions about exceptions and substitutions as well as study abroad, transfer credit, graduation, and honors should be directed towards the DUS.

For those students who write senior theses in their final year, the faculty member who advises the thesis becomes the student's major faculty advisor.

Those students whose advisor is on leave for a quarter or a year are advised by the DUS.